Episode #292

Join the Fight to End Human Slavery with Nicole Joy

In today’s episode we are joined by Nicole Joy to open the dialogue around human slavery. Nicole and I discuss the horrifying statistics around adult and child sex slavery and how this is not a peripheral issue, but the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. We then provide you with the information you need to join the fight, including the people and organizations leading the way, and what parents and caregivers must do, no matter how confronting it may be. I understand first-hand how challenging this topic is to hear about, but it is far too important to turn away from. I truly believe that we can be the generation that ends human trafficking forever, but we have to first look the issue head on. 

Show Notes:

Follow Nicole online: https://nicolejoyinspire.com

Support Light Minded AU: https://www.instagram.com/lightmindedau/

Tune into Becoming Mum podcast: https://nicolejoyinspire.com/podcast/

Resources: https://www.stephlowe.com/end-human-trafficking

Click here to download transcript.

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Episode #293


Episode #291